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Before & After Care

Contact Information

Y.E.S. Before/ After Daycare 

919-556-5250 ext 236

Hours of Operation

Before school daycare 6:00-7:30 a.m.
After school daycare 2:30-6:30 p.m.

Students may register for Before Care, After Care, or both.  Enrollment priority will be given to kindergarten students, existing enrolled students, and then first come first serve.  Minimum and maximum enrollment numbers will be managed by the site.  Depending on enrollment, Before Care may not be available at all sites.  Full time enrollment is required, part time enrollment is not allowed.  Registration prior to the beginning of the school year is strongly encouraged. However, registration is accepted throughout the school year based on space availability. Once enrolled, the Site Coordinator and School Treasurer should be contacted in writing if your child will no longer attend the program. At this time the parent will be provided an invoice of any balances that are outstanding. Those balances will need to be paid immediately.  Any unpaid fees may become part of the student’s permanent record.

Monthly fees are due by the 15th of the month.  If fees are not paid by the 15th of the month a late fee of $25 will be accessed.  If fees go unpaid for the entire month, the student will not be allowed to return to the program until all fees are paid in full.

The Before and After Care Program at each site will remain in operation based on the sustainability which will be determined by Franklin County Schools.  Typically, the Program will operate only on student days.  The Program may be open on required teacher workdays depending on projected attendance by location.  The daily fee for teacher workdays is $16 and the parent/guardian would be responsible for all meals, snacks, and beverages for their child.

Este formulario se utilizará para la inscripción en el programa de Cuidado Infantil Antes y Después para el año escolar 2023-2024. El padre/tutor mencionado aquí será el contacto principal para la facturación. Usted recibirá una factura al principio del mes para el servicio de ese mes. Se requiere que las cuotas mensuales se paguen antes del día 15 del mes. Si las tarifas no se pagan antes del día 15 del mes, se cobrará un recargo de $25. Si las tarifas no se pagan durante todo el mes, el estudiante no podrá regresar al programa hasta que todas las tarifas estén pagadas en su totalidad. Puede obtener información sobre el programa en este enlace.



2024 - 2025  Before and After Care Youngsville Enrollment Packet


2024 - 2025  Before and After Care Enrollment Packet

Teacher WorkDay Before/After Care Sign Up

Make payments here

Online Payment System